ACME prepared Geographical Information Systems (GIS) digital maps can be customized to your needs. Our staff has the professional GIS experience who use the latest ESRI ArcGIS software to produce high-quality archaeological/cultural resource maps tailored to your project.
GIS Mapping & Data Management Services: ACME understands that archaeological/cultural resource GIS maps are unique in that they differ greatly than other environmental maps. The most common type of ACME maps produced for our clients are Information Center Records Search results maps. These maps are usually tailored to specific projects and the client’s individual needs, but almost always include the following: project location, boundaries, and other project delineations; record search study area (e.g., extent, buffer, or radius); archaeological/cultural resource mapped locations and boundaries, and; previous cultural resources survey coverage and boundaries.
ACME offers additional GIS related services including: data management (e.g., shapefiles, detailed metadata and spreadsheets); site and artifact distribution model; and; georeferencing.