ACME offers a variety of archaeological services, commonly referred to a Phase I (survey / identification); Phase II (evaluation / significance testing); Phase III (data recovery), and; Construction Monitoring.
Phase I of a project area is used to identify the presence or absence of any cultural resources. This investigation often includes the surface evaluation of the project area for potential resources (i.e., pedestrian survey), but can also involve subsurface investigations in the form of shovel or auger testing (i.e., Extended Phase I)
Phase II usually involves testing of the cultural resources identified during Phase I to determine their horizontal and vertical boundaries, their cultural and scientific importance, and their potential eligibility to be listed on local, state, or federal registries. Test unit excavations are the primary method used to assess site significance.
Phase III Data Recovery investigations are designed to mitigate the impact of a project on resource(s) determined to be eligible for inclusion on a local, state, or federal registry. This Phase usually involves large-scale controlled scientific excavation and data retrieval when a project cannot avoid direct impacts to an eligible, or potentially eligible, resource.
Construction Monitoring archaeologists observe ground-disturbing project work where there are known or potentially buried archaeological features or cultural deposits in order to protect sensitive or significant resources and to ensure or verify compliance with environmental laws and project specifications.