ACME Archaeological Consultants, LLC
Archaeological Consulting & Mitigation Endeavors
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ACME Archaeological Consultants, LLC is a certified Small Business dedicated to the management of California's diverse cultural resources. We provide archaeological and historic preservation services -- also known as cultural resources management (CRM) -- to a variety of clients including private developers, landowners, other CRM firms, Native American Tribes, and local, state, and federal agencies.
Cultural Resources Management Services
Reconnaissance Surveys / Inventory
Testing / Evaluation
Data Recovery
Construction monitoring
Compliance report production
Record and analyze paleosols (formally stable ground surfaces)
Identify an analyze natural vs. cultural (archaeological) site formation processes
Paleoenvironment reconstruction
Project and Resource location / boundary mapping
Record Search results mapping
Site and artifact distribution and predictive modeling
Data management (e.g., shapefiles, metadata, spreadsheets)
Buried site (geoarchaeological) sensitivity assessments
Built environment sensitivity assessments
Desktop review of maps, literature, aerial imagery, and listings from other online databases